別太天真 信託執結果 不是這麼簡單

別太天真  信託執行結果 不是這麼簡單

家中有未成年子女的家庭,生前信託還可以為他們提供保障。假如夫婦當中一人離世,另一人當然可以繼續擁有產權,和子女們的監管權;可是,萬一夫婦都離世,假如沒有預先透過遺囑或生前信託,去指定遺產的管理權和子女的監護權,便要由認證法庭(PROBATE COURT)去按州法律作決定,而這些決定通常都是跟據親屬的親疏關係,未必與您的願望相符。

生前信託  物業必須歸由信託擁有. 就是產權不再由夫婦直接擁有,而是改為夫婦以生前信托之信託人 (TRUSTEE) 身份擁有。




·         「傾注遺囑」(POUR-OVER WILL),作用是將沒有放入生前信托的資產,將來都按生前信托條款處理。

·         「財務管理授權書」(DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY),作用是在萬一本人無力管理產業或作財務決定時,由代理人(AGENT)代為辦理。

·         「醫療授權書」或「預先醫療指示」(ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE ),作用是萬一自己無法作醫療決定時,由代理人代作決定。

A will and a trust are separate legal documents that commonly work together under a unified estate plan. While the will and trust ideally work together, because they are separate documents, they sometimes conflict with one another, either intentionally or accidentally. Whether a will supersedes a conflicting trust generally depends on the type of trust involved and timing of respective transfers under the will and trust. A living trust generally supersedes a will, but a will generally supersedes a testamentary trust.


Testamentary Trusts

The two most common forms of estate planning trusts are the living trust and testamentary trust. A testamentary trust is a trust created under a will, which means the testamentary trust does not actually exist until the will takes effect. The will creates the trust and transfers property to the testamentary trust.



Living Trust

Unlike a testamentary trust, a living trust actually springs into existence during the creator&squots lifetime, which means the trust becomes operative before the will takes effect. The trustor, meaning the person who creates the living trust, transfers property to the living trust during his lifetime. Any property held by the trust at the time of the trustor&squots death is unaffected by the trustor&squots will because the trustor&squots will only relates to property owned by the trustor. Therefore, a living trust supersedes a conflicting will.




When a person passes away, that person&squots will springs into effect in a legal proceeding called probate. The purpose of the probate process is to disseminate the deceased person&squots property according to the terms of the deceased&squots will. Probate does not apply to property held in a living trust since trust property is not legally property owned by the deceased person. Therefore, a will that purports to disseminate property held in a living trust has no legal effect on that trust property.



Pour-over Will

A common estate planning technique is the use of a will and testamentary trust together. Under this technique, the will is called a pour-over because the will simply pours property into the trust then the terms of the trust dictate the long-term handling of that property. During probate, the terms of the pour-over will supersede the terms of the testamentary trust. However, once probate has occurred and the property has been transferred to the testamentary trust, the terms of the trust then supersede the now-obsolete terms of the will. The will has no effect after probate is complete, but the trust generally continues to operate and control the property long after probate ends.




1) Petitions against Former Trustees Alleging Wrongful Acquisition and Misappropriation of Trust Assets


2) Petition for Court Order for Authorization for the Settlement of an Action on Decedent&squots Behalf


3) Petition by Beneficiaries For Instructions Regarding Interpretation of Trust Terms


4) Petition To Compel Return of Real Property To Trust, For Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Financial Elder Abuse, Conversion and Imposition of Constructive Trust


5) Notice of Proposed Action (personal representative to take without court supervision)



信託服務商吭錢多少 , 效果多好自求多福.   反正立信託人死了也不知道有如算命,神棍 沒有保證.  

非常 情況如下:

  1. 成年的笨小孩被色誘 捌騙了  咋辨?
  2. 敗光  睹光  輸光    
  3. 酒肉兄弟 光天酒地 吃喝嫖睹  
  4. 金光黨 洗光光
  5. 子女被另一方  離婚威脅
  6. 孫子女被子女対方用不準看望脅持
  7. 逆子

父母為子女打拼, 提供好環境給子女, 有無招搖 顯掰.   有無惹人眼紅,妒忌  沒人可以保證.

受害事件太多, 自己網尋, 対号入座.  

所有信託内容爭議都須上法庭信託服務商 會避免碰觸的議題並加上沒有十全十美的信託.

提醒各位    別招搖,顯掰   招來的不是會羨慕而會是設計陷害.

外加習慣性冷嘲熱諷.  我的80歲猶太鄰居告訴我 美國環境家庭好的父母成立信託  索子女須活到50歳及惡意対方往生 才能執行分配受益.  或成立慈善基金會.

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