
美國正義之士 揭開發美國霸權 欺壓人民      真相


發布於2016年6月25日 最後,福克斯新聞顯示更多的證據和戒嚴和FEMA的證據!洩漏!!美國的緊急新聞的人!公用事業!更新到2016年6月!真實場景!這部影片是非常重要的!新證據 - 新的證明!所有美國人民需要看到這個! GOV洩露! FEMA營和戒嚴令在2016年即將到來!所有美國人需要看這個!讓我們分享...分享...這個視頻必須以最多人數分享!讓你的一部分了,請分享吧!由於政府的障眼法!重要提示:法官面前,觀看整個視頻。戒嚴EMINENT APPROACH!必看!!緊急視頻公用事業! FEMA CAMPS是真實的!奧巴馬洩露! 此通道的使命是提供給人類(特別是美國和加拿大的人)好消息和紀錄片有關經濟,飛碟學和政治。你可以找到更多關於我們,並採取與此視頻在相關的更多的內容: https://www.facebook.com/458129004382469 或者找到:本admtrainee視頻和新聞 (請告訴我們您的建議)。 關注過這個重要的視頻:“GOV啟動過江龍:警察暴行的業餘鏡頭”為:https://www.youtube.com/watch V = T8W13 ...? 這是一個美國的新聞頻道,訂閱它更多視頻everyweek。 ***法律聲明***:該視頻有版權許可。請寫信給我們,要求我們的INBOX的Facebook頁面更多的信息 訂閱 - 訂閱 - 新影片所有的週末 留下你的結論意見。 讓我們實踐的研究表示感謝:分享這部影片幫助人們了解事實真相。

Published on Jun 25, 2016 Finally FOX News showing more PROOF and EVIDENCES for MARTIAL LAW and FEMA! Leak!! People of America urgent news!! Public utility! Update to JUNE 2016! Real Scenes! This video is very important! NEW EVIDENCES - NEW PROOF! All American people need to see this! GOV LEAKED! FEMA CAMPS and MARTIAL LAW are coming in 2016!! All Americans need to watch this!! Let&squots Share... Share... this video must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, please share it! Because the Government Cover-up! Important: Before JUDGE, watch the whole video. MARTIAL LAW EMINENT APPROACH! MUST SEE!! URGENT VIDEO PUBLIC UTILITY! FEMA CAMPS IS REAL!! OBAMA IS LEAKED! The mission of this channel is provide to humanity (specially American and Canadian people) good news and documentaries about economy, ufology and politics. You can find more about us and take more content related with this video at: https://www.facebook.com/458129004382469 or find by: The admtrainee Videos and News (Please tell us your suggestions). Watch too this important video: "GOV starts the Martial Law: Amateurs footage of police brutality" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8W13... This is an USA-NEWS Channel, subscribe it for more videos everyweek. *** LEGAL NOTE ***: This video have copyright permissions. Please write to us asking for more informations at our INBOX Facebook Page SUBSCRIBE  SUBSCRIBE  NEW VIDEOS ALL WEEKEND Leave comments with your conclusion. Let&squots practive GRATITUDE: Share this video to help people understand the Truth.

美國霸權 新聞谎言

Satanic CIA illuminati FAKE NEWS Exposed!! This is as hardcore as it will ever get when it comes to proof you&squotre being brainwashed and lied to by the news media!!



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