美國資深主持人貝克爾 Bob Beckel公開辱華

美國資深主持人貝克爾Bob Beckel公開辱華

華裔議員劉雲平Ted Lieu 痛批要求其辭職

美國資深主持人貝克爾Bob Beckel公開辱華華裔議員劉雲平Ted Lieu 痛批要求其辭職

中新網7月13日電據美國《世界日報》當地時間13日報導,美國福克斯(Fox)新聞主持人鮑勃·貝克爾(Bob Beckel)10日在現場直播節目中,以種族主義言論污辱華人,美國加州參議員劉雲平(​​Ted Lieu)12日要求他辭職下台,華人領袖痛批其嘩眾取寵和排外主義,呼籲社區發出聲音維護權益。

在2014年7月10日的The Five節目中,當談到誰造成對美國的威脅時,Box Beckel說道:

“The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the US They have been, they will be and they can wait, they&squotre very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen — er, Chinese people — how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us.”


去年Bob Beckel還曾經在節目裡說他的“眼睛腫了,把我搞得像東方人”。

劉云平表示:作為一個美國華人,對Bob Beckel的言論表示震驚。他說:

“I am one of those &squotChinamen&squot with &squotOriental&squot eyes that immigrated to America and majored in computer science. I also served on active duty in the United States Air Force and continue to serve my country in the Reserves. And today, as an American and as a California State Senator, I call on Mr. Beckel to resign.”


“America is great because anyone can be an American. Our country is the strongest in the world because of our diversity. Unfortunately, Fox News host Bob Beckel does not understand what it means to be an American.”

譯文:美國之所以偉大是因為每個人可以成為美國人。我們國家之所以成為世界上最偉大的國家是因為她的多元化。不幸的是,Fox News主持人Bob Beckel不明白作為一個美國人的涵義。

“But Mr. Beckel&squots comments are more than just racist and stupid. His ignorant views are dangerous because it is precisely those types of extreme xenophobic and racist views that caused our government to massively violate constitutional rights during World War II and force more than 100,000 Americans into internment camps.”


“It is Mr. Beckel&squots extreme racist and xenophobic views that are a threat to the American people and he should resign now.”


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